Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 8 - En Route to Helsinki

Most of the day was spent getting from Reykjavik to Helsinki. We had a nice 5am bus ride out to Keflavik Airport for our 7:50am departure. Four of us, myself included, took a separate flight connecting in Oslo. We didn't spend much time there, as our Reykjavik flight departed late, causing us to sprint to the next gate. Fortunately our bags moved as quickly as we did, and they were waiting for us at the claim belt.

It was an exhausting day and as such, I took hardly any photographs. I'll share the one good one with you all, of the building directly across the street from our hostel:

As part of an ongoing assignment, we have to make eight postcards (one for each week) to mail back to CMU. I made one for Iceland the previous night and took a photograph of it, in case something happens to it in transit. I focused on the textures and materials of Iceland, like the grass, stone, lava rocks and all of things that resonated about my Icelandic experience. I also included a map of our journey, for posterity's sake.

The rest of the day was spent sleeping off the traveling and early morning wakeup. The real Helsinki adventure begins the next day!

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